Jaws Joints and Cosmetic Dentistry

Jaws Joints and Cosmetic Dentistry
Although some aren’t fans of the dentist’s office everyone who becomes a patient of this cosmetic dentistry looks forward to seeing the entire caring team. For over two decades BridgeMill Dentistry has been providing restorative and cosmetic dentistry in Canton.
Founder Dr. Scott Merritt along with Dr. Michael Cox and Dr. Matthew A. Dimassi are committed to proactive dental care for every member of your family. That means no more restorations on a less than solid foundation.
Your Bite Matters
When it comes to any type of restorative or cosmetic dentistry your bite plays a huge roll. For example, if you have an under or overbite and grind your teeth, placing veneers isn’t a good idea.
It isn’t a good idea because bruxism, the medical term for chronic grinding will cause serious issues for your new veneers or any other type of dental restoration.
When Dr. Matthew A. Dimassi, Dr. Michael Cox, or Dr. Scott Merritt examine your teeth and gums the doctors in Canton will also be looking at your chewing system.
Your chewing system consists of your muscles, tissues, tendons and joints. If your jaw is out of alignment and/or your jaw joints, known as your temporomandibular joints, aren’t working like they should dental restorations such as veneers, fillings and crowns won’t last as long as they should.
Canton Cosmetic Dentistry
When Dr. Michael Cox, Dr. Matthew A. Dimassi and Dr. Scott Merritt give you the green light recommendations are made for your new smile.
Some of those recommendations may include:
- Dental Implants
- Porcelain Veneers
- Crowns and Bridges
- Dentures
- Partial Dentures
- Dental Bonding
- Enamel Shaping
- Tooth Colored Fillings
- Inlays/Onlays
- Orthodontics
- Oral Appliance Therapy
- Professional Teeth Whitening
- Full Mouth Makeover
A Cosmetic Dentistry Consultation
The only way to know what solutions would be best for you is to schedule an appointment with BridgeMill Dentistry.
The team is ready to help you whether your teeth are beyond repair or just need a little touch up.
Cosmetic dentistry can be as dramatic or as understated as you like. It really depends on what you and your doctors in Canton decide on.
If you would like to find out what these doctors can do for you schedule an appointment for a consultation. You will be in awe of what cosmetic dentistry can do for you.
Send a direct message and schedule your appointment today.